Ask Your Child About...
- Community Building
- 4th Grade's Hispanic Heritage Month Friday Gathering Presentation
- Fantastic job!
- Thank you to parents who were able to attend!
- Morning Meeting
- Learning more about the Hispanic authors we presented on
- I can do this! Greeting
- 6th Grade CAnned Food Drive Announcement
- Donations accepted until Oct. 13th
- Reading
- STAR Reading Assessment
- Read Aloud: Frida Kahlo and Her Animalitos by Monica Brown
- Partner reading books by Hispanic authors
- Analyzing character traits using evidence
- Writing
- Orienting your reading by describing setting
- Writing strong endings
- Character development
- Word Study
- Started 2nd spelling list
- Open sort, closed sort, word search, rainbow writing
- Number Corner & Math
- STAR Math Assessment
- Completing the September Calendar Pattern and Collection
- What modern numeral did the Sept. 30th card represent?
- How many inches, feet, and yards did we collect?
- Multiplication Models Problem Strings
- Doubling & Halving Strategy
- 8x10 = 4x20 b/c one factor is doubled and one is halved
- the product of 32 x 5 is double that of 16 x 5 b/c one factor is doubled and the other remains the same
- Multiplying By Multiples of 10
- 3x60 = 3x6x10
- Adding or Subtracting a Group
- 3 x 61 = (3x60) + (3x1)
- 3 x 59 = (3x60) - (3x1)
- Using Tile Arrays to Find Factor/FActor Pairs of a Number
- Factor Posters
- For the number 12 and the number their partnership was given
- Defining Factor, Factor Pair, Prime, and Composite
- Reviewing Multiplication Strategies
- 2s-5s Multiplication Quiz
- Science
- Human Machine Lesson 2
- Light, Eyes, & Vision Exploration- What do Blind People See?
- Started eye model activity
- Planetarium Extension Activity
- Creating their own constellation
- After School Activities: Clubs start the week of October 2nd & run for 6 sessions.
- The form went home this Tuesday and should be submitted to the office.
- Picture Day: Tuesday, October 3rd
- Every student will be taking a picture even if you're not intersted in purchasing.
- Please see Mr. Mondesir's email for details.
- Parent Education Night: October 3rd at 5:30 in the Library
- Screentime Safety presented by Ms. Bird
- No School For Students: Friday, October 6th (Faculty Workshop Day)
- No School For Students: Monday, October 9th (VIPR Friendship Day)